
Baia Mare has been for over hundred years one of the most important mining areas of Central Europe (processing copper, lead, silver and gold) as well as one of the most polluted ones. During the last years, we undertook a development path that will move the city towards new forms of R&D-based economy linked to services, knowledge and new technologies. Through its present values, Baia Mare Municipality is an important urban center in N-W Romania, with a dynamic development. As such, the adequate capitalization of the potential in the city and in the bordering localities can contribute to the creation of a regional nucleus and the consolidation of the roles assigned to the partner entities at county, regional and national level.

Involvement of URBASOFIA in the implementation phase is transversal, as the partner will provide its international-level urban/metropolitan planning and participatory development expertise in devleoping the Benchmarking and Analysis (A4.3-4), in assisting deployment of iLEU (A5.2), coordinating the programme of participatory pilot site co-design (A6.1) and development of the Strategy and Masterplan for 2050 (A7.2). The partner will also participate in the LCA development from an urban devleopment / land use point of view (A7.1), and will have an important role in communication and liaising with international organisations and other NBS projects, specifically current H2020 actions under implementation.
Indeco Soft’s role is the creation of iLEU and iGIS – preparation, planning, strategy for usage, upscaling and replication, involvement of local actors, training and tech support. The company also provides, satellite and local data . It provides technical support for measuring impact and soil quality mapping, as well as integration with existing software/data in the municipality. Its role in implementing the Urban Innovation Hub consists mainly in co-organizing workshops, conducting trainings on technology (GIS, iLEU) and provides Smart City integration expertise. Indeco provides the technology for communication and dissemination. It will develop the AI component for predictive assessment of replication impact.
ARIES Transilvania will manage the communication and dissemination work plan. It will also be a liaison between all parties involved in mapping the functional and business requirements within deliverables. Will act as a contact point, making sure that all partners of SPIRE and involved stakeholders will have access to all relevant information regarding the stage and needs of implementation and resources. Will cover the expected results and requests from the other partners to ensure a qualitative and relevant informational dissemination, offer support and get involved in the other work packages.
Baia Mare Metropolitan Area 
BMMA’s main role is the coordination of the long term 2050 strategy and Masterplan at Metropolitan level, coordinating and including all actions on equally polluted soils in the functional urban area. The partner will furthermore act as a contact point with the localities in the MA, contributing especially to the analysis and solution providing, as well as the participatory local processes. BMMA will offer support and get involved in the other work packages, with particular contribution towards the Communication WP (through its involvement in the Federation of Metropolitan Areas in Romania), but also in the WP4 – Analysis and Benchmarking, and activation of the wider group of stakeholders.
Involvement of UASVM is reflected in tasks concerning 1) WP2: developing the project management plan; 2) WP3: scientific publications and online communication; 3) WP4: in-situ and laboratory analysis connected with soil HM pollution, plant assisted bioremediation, and biomass valuation; 4) WP6: decontamination tests using phyto-assisted bioremediation; selection of suitable plant species; on site phyto-assisted bioremediation testing; innovative solutions for the multipurpose (energy, amendment) exploitation of the biomass production, sampling and analysis in the target areas; detailed landscaping and blue-green regeneration plans; clean monitoring tools development and deployment; 5) WP7: assessment and monitoring.
Green Energy Association
Promotion of project results, achievements, benefits and potential deployment via the adoption of a large variety of distribution channels among the identified target groups at local and European level.
State of the art of research and practice in the field of brownfields remediation through NBS, especially with respect to the most innovative trends and forefront experiences.
Providing technical assessments for establishing the plantation for phytoremediation for the pilot sites -for the selected hybrid plant of the energy willow, expertise on implementation on different energy crops on the pre-defined brownfields.
Organising entrepreneurial courses and workshops for young persons – phytoremediation technology transfer for new start ups.

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